Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Curved Log Cabin

Getting Organized!
Image by Cool Text

I'm trying out the curly log cabin trim tool by Jean Ann Wright (see YouTube video below). If you've ever made a log cabin quilt, you probably know how catawampus things can get as you sew around that little center square. The tool prevents this by squaring up the block at each round.

Well as things progressed, I got a little disorganized and was missing a trim here and sewing a wide strip where the narrow was suppose to go. Necessity is the mother...
Here is the organizational system I worked out.  Four little baskets do the trick. I put the blocks needing a narrow strip in one basket, those ready for a wide strip in the another, and all of my scraps (dark and light strips) in baskets three and four. A block-in-progress does not go into the basket until it's trimmed and I've taken a few seconds to ponder about the next step. Now my seam ripper is a little lonely.

Here is the work in progress:

If you want to give the trim tool a try, here's a little inspiration:

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Monday, February 18, 2013

OK, I'm back in the saddle again. I will finish this quilt top (though quilting it may be another matter), for I have another very special project waiting in the wings. The four-patch is one of my favorite blocks to make. Very simple, attention to detail makes it look spectacular, putting it on point gives it a great look and feel.
I could make four patches all the day long. I especially like getting them all pressed nicely and creating the tiniest four patch on the back in order to make it lie flat when quilted.

This project was made with a Moda jelly roll, which saved me quite a bit of time not having to cut out 2 inch strips. Gotta love the jelly roll.
I've missed my sewing room, it feels good to be back.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Holding Pattern

In my sewing room is a design wall created by my beloved step-son David. Over the past six months, life has taken over and my quilt, in the design stage, stands idle (or so it seems). As guests flow through, tragedy happens and stress mounts, the pieces of my quilt fly in the wind to the floor, hallway and even other bedrooms! As I pick up the pieces I find interesting new patterns in the patchwork. Right now I don’t know what the future holds, where I’ve been, or where I’m going. The best patchwork takes time to assemble. As a matter of fact, I don’t even know what happened to the sewing machine. Therefore, I embrace with much enthusiasm a new season of rest and reflection. I’ll call it “A Holding Pattern.”

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Shine your Light!

 In the quilting world, color is important. Perhaps more important is color value. We sort our fabric and scraps by dark, medium and light. If the contrast isn’t right, the design of the blocks will not come through, medium values cannot overcome the dark and the results can be disappointing. On the other hand, mix in a healthy portion of light fabrics and wow! The results are striking! “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5,

Today I learned something new about my darkness. Darkness is a part of life, this is nothing new. When darkness and decay are epidemic in my life, I may not be shining my light. Christ said “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.” Matthew 5:13-15.

This light need not be profound. It starts with the person right in front of me. Is there a friend or family member in despair? They need my light. Is there an injustice done to someone in the workplace? My light is needed there too.

In the midst of darkness it’s so easy to want to run the other way or to resent the work in front of me, but where there is darkness, Christ calls ME to be the light. “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

An Experience of the Senses

I haven't been quilting very long, about 12 years in all. Though I haven't had much time for the hobbie in many months, I can still experience all the ways quilting has stimulated my senses. In quilting circles we joke about fondling the fabric, but who can pick out the perfect cloth without touching it to capture all of the textures? The visual aspect of choosing the perfect pattern is probably quite obvious. Less obvious might be the smell of the fabric as I press it, and the heat that comes off as the wrinkles disappear. And lets not forget the auditory nerve... the buzz of the machine as I stitch yards and yards of fabric is so relaxing. Until I get more time to sew, I will continue to softly play these recordings into my imagination.